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Statement of Faith

We believe:

All mankind needs something that he/she can not generate, create, or find on their own.

This need manifests itself in all of us in one or more of the following three ways:

1. A realization of worthlessness because our lives have no meaning.

2. A sense of loss because a natural need to love and to be loved is left unfilled.

3. A deep surrender to the fact that we are incomplete in a way needed to have true love, joy, or peace.

(These three symptoms are shadows into the soul of the spiritual truth that God created man to need Him to be truly complete, meaningful, and content.)

The enemies of Christianity foster a society that teaches any admission of any of the above is a sign of weakness, and therefore a hindrance to happiness and to be avoided.

God created a way to do for man what man alone could never do, and has never done. In other words, return man to an existence of true meaning, completeness, and love.

This "way" is through the work, life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Any person who accepts Jesus as his/her "Saviour and Lord" will experience new "existence" which brings eternal life in the spiritual world and "life and life more abundant" in the present physical world. 

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